Helsinki Shipyard, having received bids for the auction of NB 517, today announced that Swan Hellenic has been awarded the tender.
Helsinki Shipyard exercised the right to sell the ship by tender, provided for by the shipbuilding contract, after the original buyer failed to take delivery of the ship. The auction ended at midnight on Friday the 24th of June and was satisfactory for Helsinki Shipyard, which analysed the bids and declared Swan Hellenic the winner.
The ship will, as anticipated, be delivered to Swan Hellenic as soon as all the registry formalities in The Bahamas have been completed, and Swan Hellenic becomes the sole owner of SH Vega.
The vessel will start operating in the Arctic as scheduled from the 20th of July.
Andrea Zito said „We are happy to have secured SH Vega, a Polar Class PC5 vessel with state-of-the-art ship technology and sustainability that will enter service as planned in July. We look forward to welcoming our guests onboard SH Vega to experience our cultural expedition cruises in sophisticated elegance, commencing on the 20th of July from Tromsø, Norway.”
Text: PM Swan Hellenic / Helsinki Shipyard
Pressemitteilung von Swan Hellenic vom 28. Juni (Deutsche Fassung): Swan Hellenic übernimmt »SH Vega« endgültig